Nämforsen – a world-class visit
Welcome to Nämforsen Hällristningsmuseum, Rock art museum, with a wonderful view over the river valley!
The museum is open to visitors June 15 to August 15, except Mondays and Midsummer, 10:30 am to 5:15 pm.
No charge!
All information in the museum is in English and the staff speaks English.
Shop – Cafeteria.
Interesting archaeological discoveries. See the exhibitions ”Stone Age Pictures” about rock carvings and rock paintings and ”The People at the Rapid” about archaeological finds, pitfalls, the climate, the land elevation and how archaeologists can know what it was like during the Stone Age.
In the summertime there is a tourist office in the museum.
Children’s Museum
For small (and large) kids there are tools and weapons in stone and wood, copied from prehistoric model. There are also reconstructions of clothing in leather and fur.
In the exhibition there are puzzles with rock carvings and you can take the opportunity to copy a rock carvings on paper.
Children (and adults) have many questions, which moms and dads can’t always answer. The museum’s guides are archaeologists and they often know the answer. But above all, they can explain why we do know certain things and not others, about our past.
INFO: Tel. +46 622-106 30
e-mail peter.johansson@namforsen.com

Nämforsen, Laxön.
Nämforsen in Näsåker is a site of one of the largest collections of rock-carvings in Europe. About 2600 different figures and lines have been chipped out on the rocky islands of Notön, Brådön, Laxön and their adjacent shores close to the rapids.
The rock carving area is open 24 hours a day for visitors. It is only when the snow covers the carvings that they cannot be seen.
The oldest carvings were probably made around 4500 B.C. A cultural heritage of great importance!
Guided tours, except Mondays and Midsummer, in Swedish and English June 15 to August 15. No fee. The tours start at the rock carvings at 12:00 and 14:30.